Convert Hertz (Hz) to Milliseconds (ms)

Milliseconds (half cycle)
Note (Yamaha)
Note (Roland)
Samples (44.1 kHz)
Samples (48 kHz)
Samples (88.2 kHz)
Samples (96 kHz)
4402.273 ms1.136 msA 3A 4101110201219

Quickly perform the calculations to convert Hertz (Hz) to Milliseconds (ms), hertz to samples, & hertz/frequency to note.

Use this tool to precisely time oscillators, LFOs, filters, and other frequency-based audio effects in Ableton Live, FL Studio, Pro Tools, and other commercial or custom built audio software/plugins.

What is Hertz (Hz) ?
In audio, Hertz (Hz) is the unit of frequency, representing the number of cycles per second of a waveform. It's fundamental to understanding pitch, timbre, and various audio effects.

Note & Sample Measurements
Included in the conversion results is the equivalent note & octave of a given frequency, as well as the minimum number of samples required to fully resolve an entire period of an audio signal with the same fundamental frequency at different sample rates.

Yamaha (Scientific Pitch Notation) vs Roland:
DAWs & other audio programs map frequencies to different octaves depending on their choice of pitch notation. It is more common to have 440 hz map to A4 - this is referred to as Scientific Pitch Notation, or Yamaha notation. However, several popular DAWs use Roland Pitch notation, which shifts these measurements down an octave. Notable software that use or support Roland pitch notation include Ableton Live and Pro Tools.

Hz/Ms to Samples
The columns marked with "samples" indicate the number of audio samples for a full cycle of a waveform to occur at common audio sample rates. This is calculated based on the milliseconds value given for the inspected frequency.
While the millisecond values in the table feature a degree of precision, the sample values will always be whole numbers, as samples are discrete and, in practice, cannot be fractional at constant sample rates. Thus, if the resulting value is fractional, it is rounded up to the nearest whole number before display, giving us the minimum number of samples required for one full cycle of an audio signal at that given frequency.

The Hz to ms Formula:
1 second = 1000 milliseconds (ms)
To get the duration of one cycle of a waveform at any frequency in Hertz, we divide the number of milliseconds per second by the frequency. So:
1000 (ms) ÷ Hz = duration of one cycle in milliseconds
1000 ÷ 440 Hz = 2.273 ms per cycle

For your convenience, the following table uses the frequencies of the first 8 octaves of each note to provide a quick lookup table with their associated Hz values, duration in milliseconds, and samples. We start at C0, where C0 equals 16.32150 hz, consistent with Yamaha/Scientific Pitch Notation using standard tuning.

Note (Yamaha)
Milliseconds (half cycle)
Samples (44.1 kHz)
Samples (48 kHz)
Samples (88.2 kHz)
Samples (96 kHz)
C016.352 hz61.156 ms30.578 ms2697293653945871
C#017.324 hz57.724 ms28.862 ms2546277150925542
D018.354 hz54.484 ms27.242 ms2403261648065231
D#019.445 hz51.426 ms25.713 ms2268246945364937
E020.602 hz48.540 ms24.270 ms2141233042824660
F021.827 hz45.815 ms22.908 ms2021220040414399
F#023.125 hz43.244 ms21.622 ms1908207638154152
G024.500 hz40.817 ms20.408 ms1801196036013919
G#025.957 hz38.526 ms19.263 ms1699185033983699
A027.500 hz36.364 ms18.182 ms1604174632083491
A#029.135 hz34.323 ms17.161 ms1514164830283296
B030.868 hz32.396 ms16.198 ms1429155628583111
C132.703 hz30.578 ms15.289 ms1349146826972936
C#134.648 hz28.862 ms14.431 ms1273138625462771
D136.708 hz27.242 ms13.621 ms1202130824032616
D#138.891 hz25.713 ms12.856 ms1134123522682469
E141.203 hz24.270 ms12.135 ms1071116521412330
F143.654 hz22.908 ms11.454 ms1011110020212200
F#146.249 hz21.622 ms10.811 ms954103819082076
G148.999 hz20.408 ms10.204 ms90098018001960
G#151.913 hz19.263 ms9.631 ms85092516991850
A155.000 hz18.182 ms9.091 ms80287316041746
A#158.270 hz17.161 ms8.581 ms75782415141648
B161.735 hz16.198 ms8.099 ms71577814291556
C265.406 hz15.289 ms7.645 ms67573413491468
C#269.296 hz14.431 ms7.215 ms63769312731386
D273.416 hz13.621 ms6.810 ms60165412021308
D#277.782 hz12.856 ms6.428 ms56761811341235
E282.407 hz12.135 ms6.067 ms53658310711165
F287.307 hz11.454 ms5.727 ms50655010111100
F#292.499 hz10.811 ms5.405 ms4775199541038
G297.999 hz10.204 ms5.102 ms450490900980
G#2103.826 hz9.631 ms4.816 ms425463850925
A2110.000 hz9.091 ms4.545 ms401437802873
A#2116.541 hz8.581 ms4.290 ms379412757824
B2123.471 hz8.099 ms4.050 ms358389715778
C3130.813 hz7.645 ms3.822 ms338367675734
C#3138.591 hz7.215 ms3.608 ms319347637693
D3146.832 hz6.810 ms3.405 ms301327601654
D#3155.563 hz6.428 ms3.214 ms284309567618
E3164.814 hz6.067 ms3.034 ms268292536583
F3174.614 hz5.727 ms2.863 ms253275506550
F#3184.997 hz5.405 ms2.703 ms239260477519
G3195.998 hz5.102 ms2.551 ms225245450490
G#3207.652 hz4.816 ms2.408 ms213232425463
A3220.000 hz4.545 ms2.273 ms201219401437
A#3233.082 hz4.290 ms2.145 ms190206379412
B3246.942 hz4.050 ms2.025 ms179195358389
C4261.626 hz3.822 ms1.911 ms169184338367
C#4277.183 hz3.608 ms1.804 ms160174319347
D4293.665 hz3.405 ms1.703 ms151164301327
D#4311.127 hz3.214 ms1.607 ms142155284309
E4329.628 hz3.034 ms1.517 ms134146268292
F4349.228 hz2.863 ms1.432 ms127138253275
F#4369.994 hz2.703 ms1.351 ms120130239260
G4391.995 hz2.551 ms1.276 ms113123225245
G#4415.305 hz2.408 ms1.204 ms107116213232
A4440.000 hz2.273 ms1.136 ms101110201219
A#4466.164 hz2.145 ms1.073 ms95103190206
B4493.883 hz2.025 ms1.012 ms9098179195
C5523.251 hz1.911 ms0.956 ms8592169184
C#5554.365 hz1.804 ms0.902 ms8087160174
D5587.330 hz1.703 ms0.851 ms7682151164
D#5622.254 hz1.607 ms0.804 ms7178142155
E5659.255 hz1.517 ms0.758 ms6773134146
F5698.456 hz1.432 ms0.716 ms6469127138
F#5739.989 hz1.351 ms0.676 ms6065120130
G5783.991 hz1.276 ms0.638 ms5762113123
G#5830.609 hz1.204 ms0.602 ms5458107116
A5880.000 hz1.136 ms0.568 ms5155101110
A#5932.328 hz1.073 ms0.536 ms485295104
B5987.767 hz1.012 ms0.506 ms45499098
C61046.502 hz0.956 ms0.478 ms43468592
C#61108.731 hz0.902 ms0.451 ms40448087
D61174.659 hz0.851 ms0.426 ms38417682
D#61244.508 hz0.804 ms0.402 ms36397178
E61318.510 hz0.758 ms0.379 ms34376773
F61396.913 hz0.716 ms0.358 ms32356469
F#61479.978 hz0.676 ms0.338 ms30336065
G61567.982 hz0.638 ms0.319 ms29315762
G#61661.219 hz0.602 ms0.301 ms27295458
A61760.000 hz0.568 ms0.284 ms26285155
A#61864.655 hz0.536 ms0.268 ms24264852
B61975.533 hz0.506 ms0.253 ms23254549
C72093.005 hz0.478 ms0.239 ms22234346
C#72217.461 hz0.451 ms0.225 ms20224044
D72349.318 hz0.426 ms0.213 ms19213841
D#72489.016 hz0.402 ms0.201 ms18203639
E72637.020 hz0.379 ms0.190 ms17193437
F72793.826 hz0.358 ms0.179 ms16183235
F#72959.955 hz0.338 ms0.169 ms15173033
G73135.963 hz0.319 ms0.159 ms15162931
G#73322.438 hz0.301 ms0.150 ms14152729
A73520.000 hz0.284 ms0.142 ms13142628
A#73729.310 hz0.268 ms0.134 ms12132426
B73951.066 hz0.253 ms0.127 ms12132325
C84186.009 hz0.239 ms0.119 ms11122223
C#84434.922 hz0.225 ms0.113 ms10112022
D84698.636 hz0.213 ms0.106 ms10111921
D#84978.032 hz0.201 ms0.100 ms9101820
E85274.041 hz0.190 ms0.095 ms9101719
F85587.652 hz0.179 ms0.089 ms891618
F#85919.911 hz0.169 ms0.084 ms891517
G86271.927 hz0.159 ms0.080 ms881516
G#86644.875 hz0.150 ms0.075 ms781415
A87040.000 hz0.142 ms0.071 ms771314
A#87458.620 hz0.134 ms0.067 ms671213
B87902.133 hz0.127 ms0.063 ms671213