Spotify Canvas Video Templates

Now Available!

What is Spotify Canvas?

Spotify Canvas is a feature available to *all* artists who upload their music to Spotify.

With Canvas, you can enhance your music's presentation by adding a short visual. This visual loops while listeners play your track on the Spotify App.

The visuals are vertical videos between 3-8 seconds long, and loop for the duration of your track.

This capability was in limited beta for a long time, but now is available to all artists who distribute to Spotify.

How do I make a Spotify Canvas video with Tuneform?

Click the link below, choose a style you like, select your input image and click Start Render!

Like all of our visuals, your video renders extremely fast. You only have to wait around a minute to get your Spotify Canvas video back.

Once your render is complete, you can download your video, and upload it to Spotify for Artists. Then, your visual will be visible for all your listeners and fans.

Learn More

→  Spotify Canvas Video FAQ

→  How to create a Spotify Canvas with Tuneform

→  Browse All Spotify Canvas Video Styles