Vertical Full Frame Oscilloscope

Select Audio File
Select Background File
Taper Edges: OFF

Activating this effect will keep the edges of the oscilloscope pinched to the center on the left and right edges.

Select Scope Color

Additional Video Effects

These are additional visual effects that will appear in the output video, but don't appear in the above configuration previews. See the demo video for examples.

Floating Background

Background will appear to gently float behind the main visual and graphic elements of the visualizer. The effect will be slightly different for each render.

Particle System

Visualizer features a particle system which will be generated uniquely for the each render. It features entirely white and off-white particles.

Visualizer Output Aspect Ratio: 9:16
Aspect Ratio
Video Dimensions (Pixels)
Aspect Ratio
9:161080 x 1920 HD 1080p 16:9
3:41080 x 1440 HD 1080p 16:9
4:51080 x 1350 HD 1080p 16:9
1:11080 x 1080 HD 1080p 16:9